Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On The Road Again

Yesterday the MINI left our little kitten farm for the longest road trip of its life, and to assist in a fairly big adventure for me. It is a little annoyed, however, because rather than leaving under its own power, it was taken away on a flat bed tow truck.

The MINI is being transported via carrier to California, where I'll take delivery of it on or about the second day of a new job for me. I'll use in it California for a couple months during training, and then drive it up the cost to a new home in Washington state.

Exactly what town in Washington state, I have no idea yet.

As a side note ... before we bought the MINI, we rented one from Zip Car, to a get feel for them. We then proceeded to accidentally put washer fluid into the radiator fill. This freaked out the duty desk at Zip Car, so that car left on a on a flat bed tow truck as well.

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