Old (torn) Strap Top, Spare Strap Bottom |
I've previously noted that I torque my right leg and thus the right foot strap tends to slip off my exercise bike. It happens enough I usually check (and have reset) it every time I use the bike. Of course, this increases the wear on the pedal strap, and I discovered it was torn this morning.
This is no big deal because I've got spare straps. I grabbed one, verified it was a right (not left) strap, and went to install it. that's when I looked at it closely, and realized it was not actually a new strap: it was already torn.
Time to check the rest of the inventory, more carefully, and toss any other dead straps.
(And yes, if you look carefully in the photograph, both straps are torn.)
Update: I had three open sets of straps, and all the right pedal straps were torn; I threw them all out. I had one sealed set, used the right pedal strap from that, and ordered two more sets.